It is the first calendar weekend of Fall - the Autumn season. In my neighborhood, the leaves have barely started to show their new colors, save for a few early "show offs" with their reds and yellows coming into their new warm palette - an ever changing variety of subtle yet unique hues.
For me, Autumn has always held a mixture of feelings - the official closing out of my two favorite seasons, Spring and Summer, the balance of Yin and Yang, the emoting of Comedy/Tragedy masks of life.
As a real estate agent who helps people sell and buy houses, there is a sense of "hurry up and get to it". Thanksgiving is around the corner along with the annual arrival of the Winter holidays - an unofficial deadline for those wishing to make a move and be done before the seasonal start of the festivals. My area of business, Metrowest Massachusetts and beyond, lends another layer to the sense of urgency. The crops have been harvested, the outdoor equipment has been stored, the frost is soon to be on the pumpkin and even the heartiest of us prepare externally and internally for hunkering down for the long and cold weather ahead.
On a personal level, as a human being, a wife, a mother, a sister and friend to many, the Fall season has me not only looking ahead, but also reflecting on the year that is soon coming to a close. What was great about these ten months so far? What has caused me angst, worry, stress or upset either from external sources or self driven. I also try to take stock of myself and how I am different this year. How was I more or less able to tackle what needed my attention? How was I able to organize better and stay more focused on my goals? Is any of the weight on my shoulders more easily carried these days? What do I anticipate the coming year will require of me on both a business and personal level?
These are just some of the ways I choose to take stock of time - my time, your time, time flying by in both good ways and fleeting ways. How much more can I accomplish before the seasons of 2019 come to a close, before the final leaves fall from our trees, and before the next new show of tree buds and crocuses appear in the next season of rebirth and renewal.
I hope this year has been one of progress if you needed it, continued and improved health, longevity of love and a sense of purpose in all the days that are aligned into the future.